Command Staff
c/LTC Nguyen, Thanh
Battalion Commander
Makes operation decisions for the Cadet Battalion.
Designates particular areas for inspection and/or supervision by members of the staff.
Oversees officer calls and work.
Works with SAI/AIs in coordinating activities for the Battalion
Is responsible for the training, administration, discipline, morale, and performance of the Cadet Battalion.
Sets the example by upholding all standards of conduct, appearance, and battalion training.
Coordinates with the Company Commanders to ensure fluid communication through
the Cadet Chain of Command.
c/MAJ Williams, Malachi
Battalion Executive Officer
Assumes command of the Cadet Battalion in the absence of the Battalion Commander.
Maintains the Task Board in correspondence with the S-3 and conducts Battalion Staff monthly meetings.
Investigates any issues within the Battalion with the Command Sergeant Major.
Directs and coordinates with the Cadet Battalion Staff.
Inspects the work of the Battalion Staff and makes other inspections as directed by the Battalion Commander.
Ensures that all tasks assigned to the Battalion Staff are completed in an orderly and timely manner.
c/CSM Aguilar, Luis
Battalion Command Sergeant Major
Works with Battalion CO and XO.
Supervises Co. First Sergeants and Color Guard.
Oversees Flag Deatial with MAA and records distribution of awards.
Supervises behavior in all areas of JROTC.
Works with XO for Merit & De-Merit Program.
Maintains team rosters, practice schedules, and competitions.
Coordinates transportation to and from competitions.
Battalion Staff
Meet Our 2022/2023 Battalion Staff!
c/1LT Clauss, Evan
Battalion S-1: Personnel
- Is responsible for preparing records and reports for the Cadet Battalion.
Maintains and inputs all the JUMS data into cadet records with the S-3.
Assists the S-2 with the merit/demerit program.
Publishes the Cadet Battalion Orders for promotion ceremonies.
Acts as secretary to cadet promotion boards with the Command Sergeant Major.
c/1LT Ramirez, Bianca
Battalion S-2: Safety
- Develops risk assessments for all JROTC events with the S-3.
Inspects JROTC areas for safety hazards and proper storage of equipment.
Conducts monthly inventory of rifles, sabers, and archery equipment and reports to AIs by 3rd the of month.
Supervises the merit/demerit program.
Runs the JROTC scholarship program.
c/CPT Dinh, Tina
Battalion S-3: Operations
- Plans and organizes the Cadet Battalion operations, such as parades, reviews, and extracurricular events with the AIs.
Prepares the 30-60-90 Project Plan
Supervise the Basic Training program.
Supervises and plans field events.
Prepares parade fields for reviews and other military ceremonies.
Collects After Action Reports (AARs).
Input events in JUMS with S1
c/1LT Meckler, Elijah
Battalion S-4: Logistics
- Maintains accountability of all non-training equipment and supplies used by the Battalion.
Fills out requests for equipment and supplies used by the BC and the SAI.
Advises the SAI and the BC of supply requirements for operations as needed.
Inputs cadets’ clothing records into JUMS.
Have the correct count of all uniform items in JUMS with AIs
c/1LT Nguyen, Caroline
Battalion S-5: Public Affairs
- Provides articles about the Battalion for website and school news.
Prepares photos for the JROTCs page in the school Yearbook.
Responsible for maintaining JROTC Social media platforms and updating them weekly.
Set up recruitment days with feeder schools.
Works with S6 Dept. on tasks regarding Battalion publication and recruitment
Coordinates public service events with the S-3.
c/1LT McKewan, Calvin
Battalion S-6: Communications
- Maintains technology in JROTC.
Oversees the usage of radios.
Oversees the Cadet Battalion website.
Assists with all communication works directly with the BC and CSM.
Reaches out to stakeholders with S5.
Coordinates recruiting brief and video with S5.
Produces scripts for ceremonies with S5.
c/CPT Mendez, Javeera
Battalion S-8: Finance / IMIN
- Deals with finance books.
Keeps finances for the battalion in order.
Signs off on all payments.
Set up the Battalion budget for the upcoming year.
Coordinates with S-3 for cadet club monthly meetings.
Collects monthly birthday celebration money
Oversees fundraisers with AIs
Prepares all paperwork for payments of items and fundraiser
c/1LT Holt, Maddilyn
Battalion Master At Arms OIC
- Maintains accountability and security of JROTC rifles, sabers, and archery equipment with S-2.
Assists Team Commanders in maintaining equipment.
Responsible for the flag detail program, keeps records of who gets awards for Flag Detail 20 times with the CSM.
Is proficient in D&C and uniforms.
Performs uniform inspections
Assist all drill teams in drill moves, cleanliness, and sharpness.
Thoroughly familiar with TC 3-21.5
c/1LT Robles, Maximo
Battalion Master At Arms NCO-IC
- Maintains accountability and security of JROTC rifles, sabers, and archery equipment with S-2.
Assists Team Commanders in maintaining equipment.
Responsible for the flag detail program
Is proficient in D&C and uniforms.
Performs uniform inspections
Assist all drill teams in drill moves, cleanliness, and sharpness.
Thoroughly familiar with TC 3-21.5